Wider CRADLE KCL team
Dr. Kate Duhig: CRADLE 1 Coordinator and CRADLE 2 & 3 Grant Co-Investigator
Dr. Natasha Hezelgrave: CRADLE 1, 2 & 3 Co-investigator
Prof. Lucy Chappell: CRADLE 3 Co-investigator
Mr. Paul Seed: Senior Lecturer in Medical Statistics
Prof. Jane Sandall: Co-Investigator CRADLE 2 & 3 – Lead of implementation assessment
Other CRADLE team contributors and advisors
Miss Annemarie De Greeff, Kimberley Hospital, Kimberley : Co-investigator CRADLE 2
Professor John Anthony, Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town: Collaborator CRADLE 2
Dr Jan van Soest, Kimberley Hospital, Kimberley: Collaborator CRADLE 2
Professor Wilhelm Steyn, Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Town: Collaborator CRADLE 2
Professor John Hall, Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Town: Collaborator CRADLE 2
Professor Shivaprasad Goudar, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belgaum, Karnataka: Principal Investigator CRADLE 3
Dr Muchabayiwa Gidiri, University of Zimbabwe, Harare: Principal Investigator CRADLE 3
Dr Adrian Brown, Maternity Worldwide and Public Health England, UK: Co-investigator CRADLE 3
Professor M B Bellad, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belgaum, Karnataka: Co-investigator CRADLE 3
Professor Suellen Miller, Women’s Health, University of California, San Francisco: Advisor CRADLE 2 & 3
Professor Peter von Dadelszen, University of St.Georges, London: Advisor CRADLE 2 & 3
Professor Andrew Weeks, University of Liverpool: Advisor CRADLE 3
Mr Gerhard Frick, Microlife AG, Switzerland: Industrial Partner CRADLE 2 & 3
For details of Low and Middle Income Country Area Primary Investigators please see the interactive map under the CRADLE Trials.